Friday, November 8, 2019

Operating Principles of Stepper Motor

In response to each individual control pulse and direction signal, the drive applies power to the motor windings to cause the rotor to take a step forward, a step in reverse, or hold in position. For example, in a 1.8 degree two phase step motor: When both phases are energized with DC current, the motor will stop rotating and hold in position. The maximum torque the motor can hold in place with rated DC current, is the rated holding torque. If the current in one phase is reversed, the motor will move 1 step (1.8 degrees) in a known direction.

If the current in the other phase had been reversed, the motor would move 1 step (1.8 degrees) in the other direction. As current is reversed in each phase in sequence, the motor continues to step in the desired direction. These steps are very accurate. For a 1.8 degree step motor, there are exactly 200 steps in one revolution.

Two phase stepping motors (17hs13-0404s, 17hs08-1004s, 23HS22-2804S )are furnished with two types of windings: bipolar or unipolar. In a bipolar motor there is one winding on each phase. The motor moves in steps as the current in each winding is reversed. This requires a drive with eight electronic switches. In a unipolar motor there are two windings on each phase. The two windings on each phase are connected in opposite directions. Phase current is reversed by turning on alternate windings on the same phase. This requires a drive with only four electronic switches. Bipolar operation typically provides 40% more holding torque than unipolar, because 100% of the winding is energized in the bipolar arrangement.

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